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Ergebnis der Suche nach: nid=1029537208

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Link zu diesem Datensatz https://d-nb.info/gnd/1029537208
Person Elbendary, Amina
Akademischer Grad Dr.
Geschlecht weiblich
Land Ägypten (XC-EG)
Beruf(e) HistorikerinIslamwissenschaftlerinHochschullehrerin
Weitere Angaben Associate Professor of History at the Department of Arab and Islamic civilizations, hte American University of Cairo, Egypt
Typ Person (piz)
Autor von 2 Publikationen
  1. Jo Van Steenbergen and Maya Termonia, eds.,  New Readings in Arabic Historiography from Late Medieval Egypt and Syria: Proceedings of the Themed Day of the Fifth Conference of the School of Mamluk Studies, Brill, 2021, 507 pp., ISBN: 978-90-04-45890-1, ISBN: 978-90-04-44702-8.
    Enthalten in Der Islam Bd. 101, 2024, Nr. 2: 593-602. 10 S.
  2. Between riots and negotiations: urban protest in late medieval Egypt and Syria
    Elbendary, Amina. - Berlin : EB-Verl., 2012

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