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Ergebnis der Suche nach: nid=1138250341

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Link zu diesem Datensatz https://d-nb.info/gnd/1138250341
Person Chaplain, Mark
Geschlecht männlich
Andere Namen Chaplain, M.
Chaplain, M. A. J.
Chaplain, Mark A. M.
Land Großbritannien (XA-GB)
Beruf(e) Mathematiker
Beziehungen zu Organisationen University of Dundee. Department of Mathematics
Typ Person (piz)
Autor von 3 Publikationen
  1. Evolutionary Dynamics in Vascularised Tumours under Chemotherapy: Mathematical Modelling, Asymptotic Analysis and Numerical Simulations
    Enthalten in Vietnam journal of mathematics 6.10.2020: 1-25
  2. Mechanical Models of Pattern and Form in Biological Tissues: The Role of Stress–Strain Constitutive Equations
    Enthalten in Bulletin of mathematical biology Bd. 83, 26.5.2021, Nr. 7, date:7.2021: 1-38
  3. ...
Beteiligt an 1 Publikation
  1. Mathematical Models and Methods for Living Systems
    Ciarletta, Pasquale. - Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2016, 1st ed. 2016

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