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Ergebnis der Suche nach: nid=1214256589

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Link zu diesem Datensatz https://d-nb.info/gnd/1214256589
Veranstaltung Joint COST TU1402 - COST TU1406 - IABSE WC1 Workshop: the Value of Structural Health Monitoring for the Reliable Bridge Management (2017 : Zagreb)
Andere Namen Joint COST TU1402 - COST TU1406 - IABSE WC1 Workshop (2017 : Zagreb)
Joint COST Action TU1402 - COST Action TU1406 - IABSE Working Commission 1 Workshop (2017 : Zagreb)
Joint COST TU 1402 - COST TU 1406 - IABSE WC 1 Workshop (2017 : Zagreb)
The Value of Structural Health Monitoring for the Reliable Bridge Management (Veranstaltung : 2017 : Zagreb)
Joint Workshop: the Value of Structural Health Monitoring for the Reliable Bridge Management (2017 : Zagreb)
Joint COST TU1402 - COST TU1406 - ISABE WC1 Workshop, Zagreb, Croatia, 2-3 March 2017
Quelle Homepage (Stand: 21.07.2020): https://www.cost-tu1402.eu/News-Events/Workshops/7thWorkshop
Zeit 02.03.2017-03.03.2017
Land Kroatien (XA-HR)
Geografischer Bezug Veranstaltungsort: Zagreb
Beziehungen zu Organisationen Veranstalter: COST Action TU1402: Quantifying the Value of Structural Helath Monitoring
Veranstalter: COST Action TU1406
Veranstalter: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering. Working Commission 1
Typ Veranstaltung (vie)

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