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Ergebnis der Suche nach: nid=12358874X

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Link zu diesem Datensatz https://d-nb.info/gnd/12358874X
Person Srivastava, Hari M.
Akademischer Grad Prof.
Geschlecht männlich
Andere Namen Srivastava, H. M.
Srivastava, Hari Mohan
Quelle (LoC-NA (+§ 322,1 RAK WB), PND)
Zeit Lebensdaten: 1940-
Land Kanada (XD-CA); Indien (XB-IN)
Beruf(e) Mathematiker
Weitere Angaben Department of Medical Research, China Medical University Hospital, China Medical University,Taichung, Taiwan
Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Azerbaijan University, Baku, Azerbaijan
Section of Mathematics, International Telematic University Uninettuno, Rome, Italy
Vollständiger Vorname: Hari Mohan
Beziehungen zu Organisationen University of Victoria
Systematik 28p Personen zu Mathematik
Typ Person (piz)
Autor von 35 Publikationen
  1. Approximation Process Based on Parametric Generalization of Schurer–Kantorovich Operators and their Bivariate Form
    Enthalten in National Academy of Sciences, India: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences / Section A / Physical sciences 9.5.2022: 1-11
  2. A General Class of the Three-Variable Unified Apostol-Type q-Polynomials and Multiple Power q-Sums
    Enthalten in Anǧuman-i Riyādī-i Īrān: Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 23.8.2019: 1-24
  3. ...
Beteiligt an 4 Publikationen
  1. Applied Analysis in Biological and Physical Sciences
    New Dehli : Springer India, 2018, Softcover reprint of the original 1st edition 2016
  2. Fractional Dynamics
    Warschau/Berlin : Sciendo, 2016, 1. Auflage
  3. ...

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