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Ergebnis der Suche nach: nid=1248657500

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Link zu diesem Datensatz https://d-nb.info/gnd/1248657500
Person Zawisza, Rafael
Akademischer Grad Dr.
Land Polen (XA-PL)
Weitere Angaben Obtained his PhD degree at the Faculty of "Artes Liberales" Department at the University of Warsaw with his dissertation Cryptotheological defence of the secular: Hannah Arendt's anthropology and the secularisation thesis (2019). He received scholarships from the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna and Karl Jaspers Society in Oldenburg. From 2016 to 2018, he conducted research funded by the National Science Centre, which resulted in a fellowship at the University of Chicago (2017-2018)
Thematischer Bezug Sozialwissenschaften
Typ Person (piz)
Autor von 3 Publikationen
  1. »Faith in the World«
    Frankfurt am Main : Campus Verlag, 2021, 1. Auflage
  2. »Faith in the World«
    Frankfurt am Main : Campus Verlag, 2021, 1. Auflage
  3. ...
Beteiligt an 3 Publikationen
  1. »Faith in the World«
    Frankfurt am Main : Campus Verlag, 2021, 1. Auflage
  2. »Faith in the World«
    Frankfurt am Main : Campus Verlag, 2021, 1. Auflage
  3. ...

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