Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek


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Neuigkeiten Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek in Frankfurt bleibt vom 10.03. bis 22.03.2025 wegen Umbauarbeiten geschlossen.
The German National Library in Frankfurt will remain closed from March 10 to March 22, 2025, due to renovation work.

Ergebnis der Suche nach: nid=170860663

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Link zu diesem Datensatz https://d-nb.info/gnd/170860663
Person Ould-Cheikh, Abdel Wedoud
Andere Namen Wuld-aš-Šaiḫ, Abd-al-Wadūd
Ould Cheikh, Abdel Wedoud
Ould Cheikh, Abdel W.
Wedoud Ould Cheikh, Abdel
Abdel Wedoud Ould Cheikh
Cheikh, Abdel Wedoud Ould
Walad-Šaïh, Abd-al-Wadūd
Ould Cheikh, Abd el-Wedoud
Cheikh, Abd El W. O.
Quelle LCAuth
Zeit Wirkungsdaten: 1985-
Land Mauretanien (XC-MR); Frankreich (XA-FR)
Weitere Angaben "Prof. emeritus; studied philosophy, anthropology and sociology at the Sorbonne, doctorate in sociology 1985 univ. Paris V, HDR in anthropology at EHESS 1999; researcher (1978-1987) and director (1987-1989), Institut Mauritanien de Recherche Scientifique; taught at the universities of Nouakchott (1990-2002), Strasbourg (2002-2004) and Lorraine (2004-2011); his work concerns tribal organization in the Sahara, West African Islamic brotherhoods, and the historical and political anthropology of Arab and African worlds)"
Typ Person (piz)

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