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Ergebnis der Suche nach: nid=1164516841

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Link zu diesem Datensatz https://d-nb.info/gnd/1164516841
Person Zabare, Naṭan
Geschlecht männlich
Andere Namen Zabare, Natan
Zabara, Natan I.
Zabara, Naṭan
Zabara, N.
Zabara, Natan Ilʹich
Zabare, Natan Ilich
Sabare, Natan
Забара, Натан Ильич (Schriftcode: Cyrl)
זברה, נתן (Schriftcode: Hebr)
זבארה, נתן (Schriftcode: Hebr)
זאברה, נתן (Schriftcode: Hebr)
זאבארא, נתן בן אליהו (Schriftcode: Hebr)
זאבארע, נתן (Schriftcode: Hebr)
זאבארע, נאטאנ (Schriftcode: Hebr)
זאבארע, נאטאן (Schriftcode: Hebr)
Quelle LCAuth
Zeit Lebensdaten: 1908-1975
Land Ukraine (XA-UA); Weißrussland (XA-BY); Sowjetunion (XA-SUHH)
Geografischer Bezug Geburtsort: Rahachou, Belarus
Sterbeort: Kiew
Beruf(e) Schriftsteller
Weitere Angaben Natan Zabare served in an army Radio-batallion during WWII. His first book "Radio-roman" was published in 1932. In the following years he published works relating to the themes of industrialization, professional qualification for young people as well as to psychological themes. He published also articles on Russian literature, musicology, art and theatre in the German press. Arrested in 1950, he was relased and rehabilitated in 1956. He settled in Kiev and begann publishing again in 1961.
Typ Person (piz)

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