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Person Weekes, Ursula
Geschlecht weiblich
Andere Namen Mayr-Harting, Ursula (Früherer Name)
Harting, Ursula Mayr- (Früherer Name)
Quelle Viaf
Zeit Lebensdaten: 1972-
Land Großbritannien (XA-GB)
Geografischer Bezug Wirkungsort: London
Beruf(e) Kunsthistorikerin
Weitere Angaben Ursula Weekes is a Visiting Lecturer at the Courtauld Institute of Art, teaching on Mughal Painting. She is currently writing a book on the “The Great Mughals and the Art of Europe.” Previously she taught at the Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi and held a Commonwealth Post-doctoral Fellowship at Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts in Delhi. She read History at St John’s College Cambridge. Her PhD at the Courtauld Institute was in fifteenth-century century European prints, published as Early Engravers and their Public (Harvey Miller 2004). She has also worked as Supervisor of the Print Room at the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford where she published Techniques of Drawing from the Fifteenth to Nineteenth Centuries (1999).
Beziehungen zu Personen Mayr-Harting, Henry (Vater)
Beziehungen zu Organisationen Courtauld Institute of Art
Typ Person (piz)
Autor von 1 Publikation
  1. Early engravers and their public
    Weekes, Ursula. - [London] : Harvey Miller, 2004

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