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Ergebnis der Suche nach: nid=1223429970

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Link zu diesem Datensatz https://d-nb.info/gnd/1223429970
Person Imamura, Fumihiko
Geschlecht männlich
Andere Namen イマムラ, フミヒコ (Schriftcode: Kana)
今村文彦 (Schriftcode: Jpan)
Quelle Web NDL Authorities
Zeit Lebensdaten: 1961-
Land Japan (XB-JP)
Beruf(e) Ingenieur
Weitere Angaben Direktor des Internationalen Forschungsinstituts für Katastrophenforschung der Tohoku-Universität
Beziehungen zu Organisationen Tōhoku Daigaku
Typ Person (piz)
Autor von 23 Publikationen
  1. Characteristics of consecutive tsunamis and resulting tsunami behaviors in southern Taiwan induced by the Hengchun earthquake doublet on 26 December 2006
    Enthalten in Natural hazards and earth system sciences Bd. 23, 2023, Nr. 2: 447-479. 33 S.
  2. Submarine Landslide Source Modeling using the 3D Slope Stability Analysis Method for the 2018 Palu-Sulawesi Tsunami
    Enthalten in Natural hazards and earth system sciences discussions 22.06.2021: 1-23. 23 S.
  3. ...
Beteiligt an 4 Publikationen
  1. Tsunami hazard evaluation for Kuwait and Arabian Gulf due to Makran Subduction Zone and Subaerial landslides
    Enthalten in Natural hazards 9.11.2017: 1-26
  2. Possible worst-case tsunami scenarios around the Marmara Sea from combined earthquake and landslide sources
    Enthalten in Pure and applied geophysics 19.10.2016: 1-24
  3. ...

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