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Ergebnis der Suche nach: nid=1227410921

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Link zu diesem Datensatz https://d-nb.info/gnd/1227410921
Person Gold, Ari
Geschlecht männlich
Quelle LCAuth
19. Torino Film Festival
Homepage (Stand: 16.2.2021): https://arigoldfilms.com/
Zeit Lebensdaten: 1970-
Land USA (XD-US)
Geografischer Bezug Geburtsort: San Francisco, Calif.
Beruf(e) Filmregisseur
Weitere Angaben Arised in San Francisco; has lived in New York, Los Angeles, New Mexico, Montana, Germany and Serbia; sings in the band The Honey Brothers (with Adrian Grenier) and Gold Brothers (with his twin brother Ethan); plays ukulele, piano and sometimes drums
Typ Person (piz)

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