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Neuigkeiten Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek in Frankfurt bleibt vom 10.03. bis 22.03.2025 wegen Umbauarbeiten geschlossen.
The German National Library in Frankfurt will remain closed from March 10 to March 22, 2025, due to renovation work.

Ergebnis der Suche nach: nid=123247942

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Link zu diesem Datensatz https://d-nb.info/gnd/123247942
Person Šurunbulālī, Ḥasan Ibn-ʿAmmār aš-
Geschlecht männlich
Andere Namen Šurunbulālī, al-Ḥasan Ibn-ʿAmmār aš-
Shurunbulālī, Ḥasan ibn ʻAmmār (LCAuth)
Šurunbulālī, Abu-'l-Iḫlāṣ Ḥasan Ibn-ʿAmmār al-Wafāʾī aš- (Brockelmann)
Abu-'l-Iḫlāṣ Ḥasan Ibn-ʿAmmār al-Wafāʾī aš-Šurunbulālī al-Ḥanafī
Šurunbulālī al-Ḥanafī, Abu-'l-Iḫlāṣ Ḥasan Ibn-ʿAmmār al-Wafāʾī aš-
Šurunbulālī, Ḥasan Ibn-ʿAmmār al-Wafāʾī aš-
Ḥasan Ibn-ʿAmmār al-Wafāʾī aš-Šurunbulālī al-Ḥanafī
Šurunbulālī al-Ḥanafī, Ḥasan Ibn-ʿAmmār al-Wafāʾī aš-
Šurunbulālī, Abu-'l-Iḫlāṣ Ḥasan Ibn-ʿAmmār Ibn-ʿAlī al-Wafāʾī aš-
Abu-'l-Iḫlāṣ Ḥasan Ibn-ʿAmmār Ibn-ʿAlī al-Wafāʾī aš-Šurunbulālī al-Ḥanafī
Šurunbulālī al-Ḥanafī, Abu-'l-Iḫlāṣ Ḥasan Ibn-ʿAmmār Ibn-ʿAlī al-Wafāʾī aš-
Šurunbulālī, Ḥasan Ibn-ʿAmmār Ibn-ʿAlī al-Wafāʾī aš-
Ḥasan Ibn-ʿAmmār Ibn-ʿAlī al-Wafāʾī aš-Šurunbulālī al-Ḥanafī
Šurunbulālī al-Ḥanafī, Ḥasan Ibn-ʿAmmār Ibn-ʿAlī al-Wafāʾī aš-
Šurunbulālī, Ḥasan Ibn-ʿAmmār Ibn-ʿAlī aš- (az-Ziriklī)
Ḥasan Ibn-ʿAmmār Ibn-ʿAlī aš-Šurunbulālī al-Miṣrī
Šurunbulālī al-Miṣrī, Ḥasan Ibn-ʿAmmār Ibn-ʿAlī aš-
Ḥasan aš-Šurunbulālī (Kaḥḥāla)
Šurunbulālī, Ḥasan aš-
Abu-'l-Iḫlāṣ Ḥasan Ibn-ʿAmmār Ibn-ʿAlī aš-Šurunbulālī al-Wafāʾī al-Ḥanafī
Ḥasan Ibn-ʿAmmār Ibn-ʿAlī aš-Šurunbulālī al-Wafāʾī al-Ḥanafī
Hasan Ibn-ʿAmmār aš-Šurunbulālī al-
Shurunbulālī, al-Ḥasan Ibn ʿAmmār ash-
Šurunbulālī al-Miṣrī, Abu'l-Iḫlāṣ Ḥasan Ibn-ʿAmmār aš-
Abu'l-Iḫlāṣ aš-Šurunbulālī, Ḥasan Ibn-ʿAmmār
Ḥasan al-Wafā'ī aš-Šurunbulālī al-Ḥanafī, Abu'l-Iḫlāṣ
Wafā'ī aš-Šurunbulālī, Abu'l-Iḫlāṣ Ḥasan Ibn-ʿAmmār
Shurunbulâlî, Hassan B. ʿAmmâr al-
Širinbalālī, Ḥasan Ibn-ʿAmmār Ibn-ʿAlī aš-
Šurunbulālī al-Ḥanafī, Ḥasan Ibn-ʿAmmār Ibn-ʿAlī aš-
Shurunbulālī, Ḥasan Ibn-ʿAmmār
Šurunbulālī, Abu-'l-Iḫlāṣ Ḥasan Ibn-ʿAmmār aš-
Ḥasan Ibn-ʿAmmār Ibn-ʿAlī aš-Šurunbulālī al-Mişrī al-Ḥanafī
Shoronbalali, Abou Al-Ikhlas Hassan ben Ammar Ash-
Ash-Shoronbalali, Abou Al-Ikhlas Hassan ben Ammar
Šurunbulālī, Ḥasan Ibn-ʿAmmār aš-
Abū ăl-Iḫlāṣ Ḥasan Ibn ʿAmmār aš-Šurunbulālī
aš-Šurunbulānī, Ḥasan Ibn ʿAmmār aš-
ash-Shurunbulālī, Ḥasan Ibn ʿAmmār ash-
aš-Šarunbulālī, Ḥasan Ibn ʿAmmār aš-
aš-Šurunbulālī, Ḥasan Ibn ʿAmmār aš-
al-Ḥasan Ibn ʿAmmār aš-Šurunbulālī al-
Ḥasan Ibn-ʿAmmār Ibn-ʿAlī aš-Šurunbulālī
شرنبلالي, حسن بن عمار بن علي ال (az-Ziriklī) (Arabisch, Code: ara; Schriftcode: Arab)
الشرنبلالي, حسن بن عمار بن علي (Arabisch, Code: ara; Schriftcode: Arab)
حسن بن عمار بن علي الشرنبلالي المصري (Arabisch, Code: ara; Schriftcode: Arab)
شرنبلالي المصري, حسن بن عمار بن علي ال (Arabisch, Code: ara; Schriftcode: Arab)
الشرنبلالي المصري, حسن بن عمار بن علي (Arabisch, Code: ara; Schriftcode: Arab)
حسن الشرنبلالي (Kaḥḥāla) (Arabisch, Code: ara; Schriftcode: Arab)
شرنبلالي, حسن ال (Arabisch, Code: ara; Schriftcode: Arab)
الشرنبلالي, حسن (Arabisch, Code: ara; Schriftcode: Arab)
أبو الإخلاص حسن بن عمار بن علي الشرنبلالي الوفائي الحنفي (Arabisch, Code: ara; Schriftcode: Arab)
حسن بن عمار بن علي الشرنبلالي الوفائي الحنفي (Arabisch, Code: ara; Schriftcode: Arab)
Quelle LCAuth: http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n90712577
Brockelmann, insbesondere G II 313 und S II 430 f.
az-Ziriklī, "al-Aʿlām" (Bairūt, Dār al-ʿilm li-l-malāyīn, aṭ-ṭabʿa al-ḫāmisat ʿašra, aiyār/māyū 2002), II 208
Kaḥḥāla, "Muʿǧam al-muʾallifīn" (Bairūt, Muʾassasat ar-risāla, [aṭ-ṭabʿa al-ūlā, 1414 h. - 1993 m.]), I 575 (Nr. 4317)
Zeit Lebensdaten: 1585-1659 (lebte laut az-Ziriklī und Kaḥḥāla von 994/1585 bis 1069/1659; starb laut Brockelmann 1069/1658 (oder auch 1069/1659))
Land Ägypten (XC-EG); Arabische Staaten, Araber (Repräsentanten des arabischen Sprach- und Kulturkreises, die nicht an einen bestimmten Staat gebunden sind) (XX)
Geografischer Bezug Sterbeort: Kairo
Beruf(e) Theologe
Weitere Angaben Ägyptischer islamischer (genauer: ḥanafitischer) Rechtsgelehrter, Professor an der al-Azhar-Universität in Kairo; seine nisba bezieht sich auf das Dorf Šubrā Bulūla (oder Balūla?) bei Manūf al-ʿUlyā in al-Manūfīya, woher er als Sechsjähriger mit seinem Vater nach Kairo kam; wuchs in Kairo auf, studierte dort an der al-Azhar-Universität; zu seinen zahlreichen Werken zählen u.a. "Nūr al-īḍāḥ wa-naǧāt al-arwāḥ", "at-Taḥqīqāt al-qudsīya wa-'n-nafaḥāt ar-raḥmānīya al-ḥasanīya", "Marāqi 's-saʿādāt fī ʿilm at-tauḥīd wa-'l-ʿibādāt"
Systematik 3.1p Personen zu allgemeiner und vergleichender Religionswissenschaft, Personen zu nichtchristlichen Religionen ; 7.14p Personen zu Recht
Typ Person (piz)
Autor von 3 Publikationen
  1. Šurunbulālī, Ḥasan Ibn-ʿAmmār aš- / Ġunyat ḏawi 'l-aḥkam
    Werk (wit)
  2. Šurunbulālī, Ḥasan Ibn-ʿAmmār aš- / Marāqi 'l-falāḥ
    Werk (wit)
  3. ...

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